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Frozen Jr.

The Junior version of the Stage production is based on the animated movie and designed for a smaller stage space that might be perfect for high school or children’s theatre venues. All are built to be shifted by the younger performers.


Designed by Jordan Slusher, the package includes three portals, creating a 34’ wide by 17’ tall proscenium opening. Other pieces include a large rolling castle door, the ‘Wandering Oaken’ cart, two stair units for the Ice Palace, rolling portrait and banner bases for various castle interiors, and hanging pennant and foliage garlands.......all backed by a series of rear projections

Built: 2022

Movement: Rolling units (actor motivated) / flying garland pieces

Offstage Space: minimal

Number of Trucks: can fit into a 26’ box type truck at dock height

Ground Rows: none

Portals: three soft

Load In Crew: 3-Carps / 2-Electrics / 2-Props / 1-Fly / 1-Projectionist

Load In Time: 6 to 8 hours

Show Crew: 1-Carp / 1-Electrics / 1- Props / 1-Fly / 1-Projectionist

*See Space requirements for Logistic Requirements


Designed by Jacob Locke, it reflects the feel of the original animated movie. Sizes built for a youth cast; of approximately 60 to 80. All principals are included (plus the child, teen and adult Elsa and Anna). A breakaway ELSA dress to reveal the ice dress is included. Also includes the OLAF puppet for youth performer/puppeteer.  Snow Chorus and Hidden folk pieces are included. Townspeople are available upon request. It also includes the OLAF puppet for youth performers/puppeteers.

Built: 2022

Supported Cast: 17 principals and minors (including young and middle Elsa and Anna) / Ensemble of mostly young girls and 4 young boys.

Shipping: Two large canvas hampers / one container for OLAF puppet / one bin of accessories

Alterations: Some seam allowances / some gender alternatives in Ensemble

Shoes: none

Wigs: Older Anna / Young Elsa / Older Elsa


Minimal props created. All travel in “Toy Box” built for Anna/Elsa bedroom and one blue bin..
Include Bag of Ice for Christof / Scepter and Orb on Pillow for coronation / Toy ‘Snowman’ / plastic sword for Hans. Ensemble pieces for Castle Staff and Summer. Rolling elements include the Portrait Gallery and hanging Banners for interior Castle. Oaken cart dressings permanently attached.

Built: 2022

Off Stage Space: minimal

# Of Road Boxes: Toy Box / Blue Bin / large Oaken cart

Furniture: Fainting Couch

Expendables: none

Individual Items for Rent: none


Custom painted and cut portals
